(A ministry of "Jehovah-Jireh" Baptist church ministry)

We are by grace given the Ministry amongst the poorest kids in the slums (where poor communities live, without any facilities of hygiene, medicine, rest room, drinking water facilities) from last 15 years. It's tremendous ministry and less encouraged ministry by Indian Church. You know children are the future church. We have various programs giving them the Gospel i.e., 10 Vacation Bible Schools, 2 children camp, 3 rallies, 2 retreats, 28 weekly home bible clubs, 11 school bible clubs etc. all these need God's grace, guidance and blessings. We could see Lord's wonderful hand all these years. We also have project for the school dropouts and orphan kids, we arrange for their school fees, food, clothing and some basic needs. In this area too we need your helping hand, an understanding heart. We have such 56 children in our project if the Lord opens the door we will able to help them.

Vacation Bible School: We conduct VBS once in a year in summer in slums, villages, schools, and hostels. We reach 99% of non-Christian children from age group 5 to 18 years. We reach 6,000 to 7,000 children every year. We share gospel to them and many things like drawing, colouring, refreshments and gifts to the children's through this programme every year we bring many souls to the Lord.

Children Camps
This programme is for all the children we conduct this residential camp for 5 days. Children are from slums, schools, Sunday schools will attend, many of them from non-Christian background and from poor communities and orphans. These children at their homes do not have one full meal a day. We give them full meals and we share gospel to them and we counsel them. We show the love of the Lord and many children accept the Lord. They come as missionaries for our Lord, many of them became pastors, evangelists and fulltime workers for the Lord. We spend on each child $5 for 5 days for 500 children. In the Camp for every 10 children one voluntary teacher and a counsellor will be appointed, they take care of these kids during the Camp.

Children Clubs
This clubs are conducted at homes for one-hour in slums in Christian homes. This programme reaches many children. We have 15 children club in different areas. Our volunteer teachers take care of this clubs the children accept the Lord and they grow there and they come to the church and they were baptized after 18 years.

Schools Clubs
School clubs conducted in Christian schools in assemblies in moral instructions classes. We reach many non-Christian children.

Clubs for Rag pickers
We conduct clubs for rag pickers and we share gospel and we give them food to eat and clothes for needy people. You may also participate in this programme.