Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needed not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth 2Tim 2:15

This is a short-term school for young people who are dedicated for the full-time service. We see the need of training tribal AND NORMAL people through this institute and expect them to go back and preach the Gospel in their own language.

Our conviction is that instead of a candidate spending four or five years in a Bible college and coming for a full-time service, having a short-term school with 6 months theory and 6 months practical experience on the field would be better adaptive for India. Kindly pray for this.

Can you give your time for teaching, preaching or giving for this ministry of preparing young people for His service? Our goal is to train these pastors to plant churches in their own places and to support them in future after the training.

Our goals in the Bible Institute is having long term goals which by training Pastors (Leaders) we can actually influence the entire church and thereby whole village/town/city for the Lord!

An American Missionary needs approx 6000$ for sustenance in a foreign country. Much time is lost in raising his needed funds and he will be going through cultural shock, financial shock in Foreign Land. So it is better a Native trains Native and that saves much needed finances and energy and can be used in other fields for His Gloryā€¯ Please think and support the Natives! For 100 $ per month.